
Firefighting Foam Lawsuit Pursue Justice Today

Firefighting foam used by civilian and volunteer firefighters alike has been linked to multiple cancers. Firefighters and even their family members may have been exposed to a dangerous carcinogen in the foam. Cancers linked to this firefighting foam include:

  • Prostate Cancer
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Bladder Cancer

If you developed an injury after being exposed to firefighting foam, complete our no-cost form today and see if you qualify for legal compensation.



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Were you exposed to Fire Fighting Foam (AFFF)? *

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Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF)

Research on PFAS

AFFF, or Aqueous Film-Forming Foam, is a firefighting foam used to cool fires by coating their fuel in a thick coat of film, preventing oxygen contact and flammable vapor formations. It’s been used by firefighters, military bases, and airports since its creation in the 1960s.

Health organizations such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Center for Disease Control (CDC), and American Cancer Society (ACS) have warned about a group of chemicals central to AFFF’s formula called PFAS. PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, is a group of long-lasting chemicals that break down slowly over time. Multiple scientific studies have looked at these chemicals and their effects on people. While there is still much to discover, these reports have linked PFAS exposure to multiple cancers.

With their classification as long-lasting chemicals, most people are regularly exposed to PFAS. The chemicals have contaminated our air, soil, and water and are found in various processed food and drinks. Continued exposure from contaminated resources can lead to various adverse health effects.

Injuries Associated With AFFF

Were You Affected?

Government agencies such as the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), the EPA, and the Nationa Institute of Environmental Health Science (NIEHS) have all studied and cataloged the effects of PFAS contamination. Even 3M conducted their own research in the 1970s and discovered the dangers of AFFF exposure.

Numerous injuries have been linked to these substances with a variety of cancers among them.

3M, the original producer of AFFF and two types of PFAS, are facing thousands of claims for knowingly hiding their own research and failing to disclose the health risks of AFFF to the public.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is AFFF still being used?

In most sectors, yes. Though clean-up efforts have been introduced to Congress and institutions are removing their use of AFFF, the firefighting foam’s prevalence over the decades makes completely removing it a hard goal to achieve. If people are exposed to AFFF and PFAS and are injured as a result, they can still file a claim for legal action.

Have there been any settlements?

There have been no settlements from 3M specifically, however, Tyco Fire Products agreed to pay $17.5 million to resolve claims from hundreds of homeowners in Peshtigo, Wisconsin in January 2021. This was due to Peshtigo’s water supply being contaminated by PFAS chemicals and was the first agreement of its kind in this multidistrict litigation. Similar results may follow for the thousands of claims against 3M.

I know or am related to a firefighter. Is there any chance I was exposed to AFFF or PFAS chemicals?

Unfortunately yes. PFAS chemicals can cling to a firefighter’s uniform and spread to their surroundings easily, whether it be their vehicle or home. In addition to this harmless action, heavy contamination can be done by participating in any firefighting “foam parties” where families can play in firefighting foam. These are just two examples of how easily PFAS and AFFF contamination can spread.

What is being done to prevent more PFAS contamination?

Multiple bills have been introduced to Congress regarding PFAS contamination and cleanup efforts. However, none of these bills have been signed into law and almost all have been sent to other committees for review. It is still possible that, as this lawsuit gains traction and attention, these legislations will return.

How do I qualify for this lawsuit?

Complete our no-cost claim review today. After completing your paperwork, through our 24/7 call center or online, we will contact you in 24 hours should you qualify. You will be connected to an attorney experienced in product liability cases afterward.

Firefighting Foam May Be the Culprit behind Cancer Diagnoses in Firefighters

Have you been affected?

Filing a Claim Made Easy

1.) Complete the no-cost claim review form
2.) We will contact you within 24 hours
3.) We will assist you in determining your eligibility

Making the Legal Process Easy

What We Can Do For You

3M has known about the dangers of AFFF and PFAS for decades and multiple studies from multiple institutions have linked their contamination to life-threatening injuries. Now is the time to hold the company accountable for its negligence.

The Guardian Legal Network can connect qualified claimants to attorneys ready and willing to represent their cases. Call or complete our no-cost claim review today and don’t wait to pursue the justice you deserve.

  • Bladder Cancer
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Liver Cancer
  • Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Testicular Cancer
  • Thyroid Cancer
  • Ulcerative Colitis

Firefighting Foam May Save Lives, but Is It Harming Yours?

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